Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How Great Thou Art

My last day of work at ARCADIS is Friday. It is bittersweet, for sure.  Although I am very excited for what is to come, my heart is heavy with the thought of leaving my wonderful friends and coworkers.  I am also scared about leaving my steady paycheck behind, at least for the time being. I have a list a mile long of all the things I still need to get done at work and at home before I head to Virginia.  I believe I am starting to understand what it feels like to step out of the boat onto the crashing waves.

But alas, I know that I will not sink. I know that this was God’s idea in the first place and by His strength and grace, I will get to where He wants me to go.  This morning I was reminded, twice, of this:
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

So, I will keep putting one foot in front of the other. I will step out of the boat and trust that I will not sink because I am walking according to God’s purpose. I will continue to rely on God’s provision, which he so graciously supplies. And, I will listen to one of my favorite hymns, to calm my anxious heart.

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